You can have the best product in the world and put it on the best, most expensively designed, website in the world…and still have your success fall flat. Why?
Because having a website and not promoting it is like singing in your closet and expecting to win a Grammy.
At one time, just having a website was almost enough – after all there were only a few million websites online; these days there are over 130 million just in North America!
But today it’s just not going to cut it, especially if you hope to reach and audience outside of your own personal sphere.
More than just cat pictures and political jokes, social media marketing offers a means even for small businesses to reach a massive and ever growing audience. Akin to the old yellow pages, social media is often the way that consumers will find and research service providers long before they pick up the phone or even visit a website.
With people spending so much time on social media already, interacting with friends and consuming entertainment, it only makes sense to try and reach them where they already are. What’s more, unlike other traditional advertising methods like television and radio, social media provides a means for you to track your traffic so that you can see how well your marketing dollars are working.